
Showing posts from December, 2017

Human geo

Today in class we only had 40 mins so we were not able to get as much down.  You told use what the kind of things that were gonna be on the test then you gave us the essay we are gonna have to write.  So now that I am home I printed like 3 of the same page and I am gonna make sure I have the essay down since it is worth 50% of our grade I want to make sure I do good.  I also made my own study guide so I am gonna quiz myself n the things like that.  After that I am gonna study for Jesus class then I will go to bed around 12 probably.

Human Geo

Today in class we went over on what was going to be on the test.  I already made a thing on one note of 90 question on what to know so I can quiz my self. I am so nervous and such a bad test taking I  am going to up up overnight this week studying bc if I dint pass and I have to got to summer school then I went be able to go to Greece this summer and my family will go without me.  I am so nerves and all my teacher wan there review packets turned in and is still have 2 more to do and that is going to take me forever to do bc they are my worst subjects.  The only good thing about today is that I did the extra credit points for English which took me like 5 hours probably more. but I got about 5% points to add to my total grade that is gonna help me a lot.

Human Geo

Today in class and you were not here.  So you told us to study for our mid term for next week.  I made a quizlet and I went to your blog and I wrote all the definition and that is what I did for the rest of the mod.

Human Geo

Today in class we started off going over the answer to the pop quiz we took two days ago.  After that you told us about how when we get back we still have a couple more weeks of quarter 2.  Then we talked about midterms.  You told us how we should pack a lunch because everyone is gonna want to get food for the school.  Then we talked about how we should all get a goodnights sleep.  After that you told us we will have a test Monday on the thing we have been learning but you said them really fast so I was not able to get it all so I am gonna have to ask for the notes on what the test is gonna be on.  By that time we finished talking about that class was over.  After that I went to my indoor soccer game and won 6-1!

Human Geo

Today in class we took a pop quiz first.  It was 10 questions.  For the first five I remembered but after that when we talked about the rankings of the countries (1-5) I could not remember at all.  So think I got like a 70% which is ok.  After that a lot of people had that problem so we asked if you could reexsplain and you told us that 1 was the worst stage and 5 was the best.  After that we had like 10 more mins left so since mid terms are next week you explained to us how it works and how we show take our time and that the people are making you are it and jour and half long test.  You also told us what essay we might expect and the kind of questions will be on it.  The test will 100 multiple choice and 2 essays.  By the time we stopped talking about the class was over.

Human Geo

We learned about the Demographic transition graph.  The graph shows the transition brith rates and death rates.  We talked about different counties and how they would look or where they would be if they were on the graph.  We also took a survey on you as a teacher.  After that you left us do are left over homework so I am doing the blog right now.  We watched video of you when I was snow days and you have to use computers.  We thought they were so funny.  Then we talked about the hours you got that saved a bunch of lives which I thought was amazing.