
Showing posts from October, 2017

Human Geo

Today in class we started off wth the test we took last week.  I got a 78% on it.  We went over all the questions in class and talked about some of the answers.  After that we went back to the power point. We talked about such and pull forces.  Some examples of push forces are civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment or underdeveloped, and religious or ethnic persecute.  Then we talked about pull forces.  Some example of pull forces are better economic opportunity, better heath service, religious freedom, and political freedom.  After that we talked about insurance.  You said that one of the reasons more people are moving to Canada is because of it.  Here we have to pay for our selfs.  In Canada you pay for everyone.  That means the taxes are way higher but if something happened everyone has insurance to pay for it so they don't have to pay for all of it.  So that is one of the reasons people like to got to Canada mor...

Human Geo

Today we started with the life expectancy.  Life expectancy means the average number of years to be livid by a group of people born in the same year.  A fact about that is that women tend to live longer then men.  Next we talked about the measuring of population.  Crude death rate:  Number of births per 1000 pf the population.  Crude death rate:  Number of deaths per 1000 of the population. After that talked about RNI (Rate of natural increase) ~Produced by- the death rate from birth rate. ~Give us the annual natural growth rate- in % from- for a country or region. Last thing we did was the net migration rate:  The difference between the # of persons exerting and leaving a country during a year.

Human Geo

Today in human geo I took a test it took everyone about the whole time and we did not do anything else so that is all I can write about

Human Geo

Today in human geo class we went around the class and everyone gave you a question they thought should g on the test.  At the end you put it on the board and we all got to take pictures of it so we could study.   But I can not write a lot because I have to study for the test.

Human Geo

Today in class we went over questions that would be on the test.  After that you told us that on the blog tonight we are to write 3 questions that we think should be on the test. What is the circadian cycle?  it is your biological clock/ natural cycle. What is a region?  An area on earth defined by 1 or more describe characteristics. What does globalization?  The act of globalizing , or extending to other all parts of the world.

Human Geo

Today in class we started off by talking to the shadows.  There was about 4 of them I think and it was very funny when they had to come up with an amazing thing they have done in the past.  Then we talked about why you were not here yesterday.  You were not there because you had to put your dog down.  You told us about the story about your dog and how you got him.  I found the story really interesting because I had the same thing happen to me.  I was in Greece (there is a lot of stray dogs there.)  but there was this one that would stay right near our house but the neighbors kept throwing rocks at him to keep him away.  We asked why they did that and they said it was because he was a mean dog and they did not want there kids to get hurt.  Turns out he was one of the nicest dog ever.  He would keep coming closer to our house then he finally laid outside on the blanket we left him.  We took care of him for the rest of the time we were...

Human Geo

Today in class you were not there so we had to read the blog and do what it said.  First thing we had to do was reread your blog from yesterday and take notes. The global scale, encompassing the entire worlds, geographers tend to see more broad patterns.  " Think global, act local"  the phrase means that the environment was being harmed by processes such as global warming that were global in scale, but it could be improved by actions such as consuming less gasoline, that were local scale.  globalization scale is an increasingly important concept in geography because of globalization, (which is a force or process that involves the entire world as a result in making something worldwide scope).  Globalization means that that the world is shrinking (meaning the ability of the person).  After the we had to do the second part which was coming up with two different definitions of Globalization.  1st definition is the act of globalizing, or extending to other ...

Human Geo

Today in human geo class we did not take that much notes.  The only thing we took notes on were the first paragraph and had to write the last sentence down.  After that your computer ran out of power so we could note take notes on your blog.  The first thing we talked about was how farming in our community could help the entire world.  It takes a lot of gallons of gas for the food you have of your plate to get to you and when people near you farm it helps take away those gallons of gas we are using to get the food to us.  Then we talked about the states that do thing like farm and the other states that are more like cities.  We started to think about the people those states voted for and if that president would help them.  Most of the farming states would vote republicans.  Last thing we talked about was voting for presidents.  The people that vote for presidents the most were the older people like 70 and older.  You said you think that ...

Human Geo

Yesterday in human geo class we went to the CIA website about the different countries and things about them.  For the whole class!!  It was very fun.  You gave use around 10-15 minutes to find a good fact about a country.  Then we went around the room and shared are facts about what country we choose. It was very easy to find a fact about my country because I choose Greece and that is where most of my family is from (other half is from Peru).  I just thought of a fun fact I knew about it and then just checked to make sure it was on the web cite.  My fact was that when you turn 18 in Greece you need to go to the military for 1 year and then have to serve the Air Force and navy for 9 months.  Most of my family had to do that but my dad moved out of Greece before he turned 18 so he never had to do it but he can not stay there more then 4 months (I think that is the number of months) or they will make him go in the military.  My brothers just got ther...

Human Geo

Today in human geo class we filled out a map on Robinson Projection Of The World and Mercator Projection Of The World.  We had to fill out the both of the maps with the 25 largest countries.  They are... 1)  China, 2) India, 3) USA, 4) Indonesia, 5) Brazil, 6) Pakistan, 7) Nigeria, 8) Bangladesh, 9) Russia, 10) Japan, 11) Mexico, 12) ethiopia 13) Philippines, 14) Egypt, 15) Vietnam, 16) congo democratic republic of the, 17) Iran, 18) Turkey, 19) Germany, 20) Thailand, 21) France 22)United Kingdom, 23) Italy, 24) Burma, 25) South Africa. Then after that we had a pop quiz.  There were about 15 questions on it.  Some questions I did not even remember.  Like the one when u hoe many different time zones there were.  I said false but I had to totally take a guess.

Human Geo

Today in class we talked about cultural regions.  Cultural regions means culture, body of customary beliefs, material traits, and social forms that together constitute the district tradition of a group of people. Then we talked about agriculture.  Agriculture is the term for the growing living material at a much larger scale than in a test tube.  the origin of the word culture is the latin cultus, which means " to care for".  Culture is a complex concept because "to care for" something has 2 different meanings. To care about: To adore/worship something as in modern world cultus. To take care of: to nurse or look after something.  As in modern cultures. Ideas and beliefs, and values:  What makes people different. Then we talked about the regions and got into groups of three and would split them up and we would describe the regions.  We only got 3 done so I will finish them up next class and right about them all at once.

human Geo (left early)

Today in class we talked about circadian cycle.  The circadian cycle is your natural/biological clock.  Then we talked about a guy name Fleming in 1879 that wanted a global clock at the center of the earth.  After that I had to leave early for soccer so I did not get to here the rest of the lesson.

Human Geo

Today in class we finished the regions.  The states that voted for democratic said were California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Penn, New York, Maryland, NJ, CT, RI, NI, VI, Maine, DE, Alaska. The states that voted for republicans were Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Hawaii. Region for democratic: First region is California, Oregon, Washington. Next region Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois. Third region is Penn, New York, Maryland, NJ, RI, NH, VI, Maine, DE, Alaska. Regions for republican: First regions Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia. Second region is Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska. Third region: Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico. Fourth: We...

Human Geo

Today we talked about Regions and cultural land scape . The definition of region is an area unearth defined by one or more desinctive characteristic. The definition is cultural land scape is a combination of both physical and human characteristics that uniquely define areas and place. show regions are made is the designation of regions larger then a point and smaller then an entire earth.  After that you gave a paper with the votes for democrats and republicans in the USA over the years.  You got in groups of 3 and each person did and group.  You had to list all the states that voted for each one.  Then you had to put them in regions based off of what they voted for.  Most people in did not get that far so you told us we would have 10 minutes next class.