
Western Civ

Yesterday in class we didn't do much. We went over one of are old test that we had.  I got a 78% o it so I think I did ok on it.  After that we took the test that we would of took if we would of voted to have a test Friday.  It was that hard but I didn't want to risk having a test and the failing it and my C go down.  After we finished it you gave us the answers so we can review for the exam.  I really want to get my grade up for western civ because it is at a 79.12% and I really want a B so I can get all B's on my report card.

Western Civ

Today in class we decided not to have the test and to do book work to try and bring are grades up. Questions  Renaissance - rebirth/ refers to are vital of art and learning. Humanism - an intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements. Secular - means wordy Patrons - A person who spent huge amounts of money for art. Perspective - shows three dimensions on a flat surface. Vernacular - Native language, instead of latin Renaissance man - All educated people were expected to create art. charming, witty, and educated in the classics. Renaissance women - should be upper class women also should know classics and be charming but not expected to seek fame. Overseas trade, surged by the crusades led to growth of large-state in norther Italy. Church leaders became more worldly. by having portraits painted or by donating art to the city/ public squares.

Western Civ

Luther and reformation- the church weakened and vulnerable -socially- Renaissance emphasizes on the secular and individual challenge church authority -painting press helped spread ideas -politically- some rulers began to challenge the church politics power. -economically- northern merchants resorted paying church taxes to Rome. What wring with the church -corrupt leadership -renaissance- era popes spent extravagantly on personal pleasure. -pope Alexander the 5th fathered several children (not married) -some priest and monks were poorly educated -priest drank to excess, many gambled most indulgences -selling of indulgence -Johann tetzed was a monk -sold industrial;gencrs rebuild st. Peter cathedral.

Western Civ

Yesterday in class we went over the power point and had someone in the class take notes on the board and we would all copy it.  I found it a lot more interesting then the other power points we have been doing because it talked about how they started to care about art, mathematics, and literature again. And also starting to look back at Rome and Greece and see how they did things.  It talked about a lady that was very Richard care about art and a lot of other things.  She would pay the artist to paint her or paint something she would want and there would put her in the back round.  For examples she asked Leonardo da Vinci t paint the nativity and put her in the back ground. If it wasn't for her we would not ave know a lot of these artist would have even existed.

Western Civ

Today are class was shortened to 40 minutes because of the assembly. So when we came in we took the test right a way so we would have time to finish it. I did not think the test was that bad.  As long as you studied the power points and listen to what he said last class when he told us what would be on the test you probably did fine.  Also this is the first class I have been to today because I had to get my braces off so I had time in the morning to study Again and make sure I got everything right. After that we have to read birth of the renaissance and Luther leads the reformation.  You didn't write on the board that we need to take notes so I didn't. It also says that are last test will be on those 2 sections.

Western Civ

What makes Charles so "great"? Expanded the Frankish kingdom into an empire  Fought muslims in Spain conquered italy  fought huns and magyars  pope leo 2nd appreciated his efforts to spread Christianity, crowned him imperator Augustus on Christmas day, 800. Legacy- renewed emphasis on educations and culture literature, mathematics, art, architecture  book copying  opened a place shoot surround himself with English, German, Italian, and Spain schools. regularly visited parts of kingdom united most of Western Europe for the first time after the Roman Empire fell Death in 814 Charlemagne died at age 72, 47 year he named his son Louis pious co-emperor before he died. louis not quite the leader. He ruled from 814 -840* after l and p died his three sons fought for fought for control  divided the emperor treaty of verdure  c got western kingdom l eastern kingdom 

Western Civ

Clovis rules the franks -clovis rules the germanic people pf gaul, known as the franks (France comes from franks) -496 has a battlefield conversion he and 300 of his warriors become christians (church of Rome likes this) -511 the franks united into 1 kingdom -clovis and the church works as partners Spread of Christianity church + franikish rulers = rise of Christianity in 520, Benedict writers rues of memos -vows of poverty -obedience -chastity -his sister scholastic writes similar for nuns -operates schools, maintain libraries, copy books -pope Gregory and papal power play -pope Gregory goes secular -church revenues to help poor, build roods, and raise armies. -it is theocracy -Gregory's spiritual kingdom enters from Italy to England, from Spain, to Germany. -clovis rules the franks in gaul until his death in 511 -most of the rest of Europe consists of smaller kingdoms -clovis dependents the clue Charles, mart, known as Charles the hammer -hammer defeats a musl...