Western Civ

Clovis rules the franks
-clovis rules the germanic people pf gaul, known as the franks (France comes from franks)
-496 has a battlefield conversion he and 300 of his warriors become christians (church of Rome likes this)
-511 the franks united into 1 kingdom
-clovis and the church works as partners
Spread of Christianity
church + franikish rulers = rise of Christianity in 520, Benedict writers rues of memos
-vows of poverty
-his sister scholastic writes similar for nuns
-operates schools, maintain libraries, copy books
-pope Gregory and papal power play
-pope Gregory goes secular
-church revenues to help poor, build roods, and raise armies.
-it is theocracy
-Gregory's spiritual kingdom enters from Italy to England, from Spain, to Germany.
-clovis rules the franks in gaul until his death in 511
-most of the rest of Europe consists of smaller kingdoms
-clovis dependents the clue Charles, mart, known as Charles the hammer
-hammer defeats a muslim party from Spain at the battle of towns in 732
How do you follow the hammer?
-charles cartel's son pepino the short
-he works with the church in named "king by the grace of god" by the pope.
-Pepin short dies in 768. leaving 2 sons
-son #1 carol men dies 771
-son #2 is Charles, known as Charlemagne named Charles the great
-6 feet 4 inches of rocking warrior greatness


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