Western Civ

What makes Charles so "great"?

  • Expanded the Frankish kingdom into an empire 
  • Fought muslims in Spain
  • conquered italy 
  • fought huns and magyars 
  • pope leo 2nd appreciated his efforts to spread Christianity, crowned him imperator Augustus on Christmas day, 800.
Legacy- renewed emphasis on educations and culture

  • literature, mathematics, art, architecture 
  • book copying 
  • opened a place shoot
  • surround himself with English, German, Italian, and Spain schools.
  • regularly visited parts of kingdom united most of Western Europe for the first time after the Roman Empire fell
Death in 814

  • Charlemagne died at age 72, 47 year he named his son Louis pious co-emperor before he died.
  • louis not quite the leader. He ruled from 814 -840*
  • after l and p died his three sons fought for fought for control 
  • divided the emperor treaty of verdure 
  • c got western kingdom
  • l eastern kingdom 


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