
Showing posts from September, 2017

Human Geo

Today in class we finished up talking about situation. We went over one more definition for it which was, Identifying  importance building and places.  Then had talked examples of how we can get to places that are not as common by using septic details about common places near it.  We said that you could now were bleair is by knowing were Baltimore city / county is.  Then we you told us about one of your friends that commanded a ship and how he goes to a lot of different places.  Then you wanted us to talk about the importance of the places.  We said the importance of Belair was that we were very close to Baltimore so we have the ships come in and bring thing from the different countries.  We also were very close to Washington D.C.  The capital help us because has a lot of jobs.  So if people took buses they would be in work in an hour or less so they can get to there jobs.

Human Geo

Today we started class a little late because a girl had trouble with her blog and you had to help. After you helped her we finished up the notes about site.  You told us about really cool thing they did in Manhattan.  Turns out Manhattan has gotten 2 times bigger since 1626.  They are making it bigger by filling up parts of the river, which I find amazing. Next we did Situation.  Situation it is the location of a place relative to other places.  It is a valuable way to indicate location, for 2 reasons, finding unfamiliar places/understanding its importances. 2nd situation helps us understand the importance location.  After that you told us about the flooding in Texas and why the sewers were not able to drain it.  You told us that if people just kept building thing were thing like corn fields and farm land would be there would be problems.  The land helps absorb the water so that bad flooding wouldn't happen but we do things like cover up the land...

Huan Geo

Today we had a pop quiz!  You gave a lot of hints last class that we were going to have one.   I found the test very easy because I studied and made sure new where everything was on the map.  Some people didn't study so it took them a pretty long time to take the test. After that we talked and about and took notes on site and situation.  Then we did the physical character of a place. Some thing are the climate.  If it is cold that changes everything it means different animals and different life style. Next one was the water source. They could get water from a ocean, lacks, river, etc.  That also means that is a different kind of food they might eat. Another one is topography which means what the land is like.  It could be flat, rocky, lots of trees, and water.  The topography can show you they way people might grow food or what food they grow. Next one is soil.  If you have bad soil you might not be able to grow as much food and hav...

Human Geo

Today in class the first thing we talked about were the maps that we filled out last week.  We went over the answers.  Then you tried to give us hints that we were having a pop quiz on it.   After that we talked about North Korea and the bombs they threatened to use on people.  We talked about the options we had to deal with the situation.  People asked questions if you thought this could lead to world war 4 (if you count the Cold War which I do).  You told us that if we would have asked you this 5 years ago you would of said no but you said now you think it might.  That is pretty scary to think about countries dropping atomic bombs on each other.  The earth would get ruined and not be sustainable for life which is also scary to think about.  Then we talked about the football players that kneaded during the national anthem.  You said that we fight for the Constitution not the anthem or the flag.  I personally think that it is out of...

Human Geo

Today in human geo class we talked about why each point on earth is unique.  We had to take notes on what you put up on the board which said... Each place on earth is in some respected unique and in other ways similar to other places.  The interplay between uniqueness of each place and the similarities among places lies at the heart of geography questions about why things are found where they are.  Two basic concepts help geographers to explain why every point of earth is in some ways unique places and regions.  The difference between the 2 concepts is partly a matter of scale:  A place is a point, where a regions is an area. After that you did not have anything for use to do so you told us to wright a blog so we don't have to do it for homework.

Human Geo

Today in class you gave us are test back that we took last week.  I got a 88% on it. After that we took notes on your blog.   The notes said... How do you describe where things are? How do you describe your daily routine? A mental map is a person's point-of-veiw perception of their area of interaction, most commonly called your activity space. No one is totally accurate image of the world. After that you told use we had to draw a mental map of the world and then a mental map of how we get to school everyday.  We did not have time to finish it in class so we had to do it and the blog for homework.

Human Geo

Today in class we did not do much.  You said you wanted to grade all the test you needed to do, and told us we can do are homework while a few people took a test.  You told us about how you only got 4 and 1/2 hours of sleep and how you graded 108 (Think the was the number) different thing.  I have like no homework today so I decide to do my blog so I don't have to tonight.

Human Geo

I came late to school because I had to go to the doctors.  When I got there we had to go to an assembly so I had was not there for your class:(

Human Geo World Regions

Today in class we took notes and filled out 2 maps     First we wrote about key questions.  Some key questions are... ~  How do geographers describe where things are? ~  Why are each point on earth unique? ~  Why are different places similar? ~  Why are some actions unsustainable?         Then we took notes from on the board. Intro:  Region are a highly contest yet important study of Human Geography and can be studied as they relate to space, place, and location.  Regions allow us to generalize about a common characteristic so we can better group them.   A formal region is an area with a high level of consistency in a certain culture or physical attribute.  Formal regions are uniform or homogeneous areas where everyone in that region share common attributes or traits like languages, climate, or political system.  Formal regions are primary used to determine and out like political,  culture and...

Human Geo (test)

Today in class we took a test.  It was my first test of the year!  There was around 20 questions on the test and two short essays.  I thought the test was very easy.  The only question that I could not remember was about where all the ancient Greeks met up to vote and things like that.  So I just used another term other then the original one which was the market.  The questions were very easy if you studied for it.  I loved this unit because I am Greek and I love to learn about there amazing history.  The two short essays were very easy.  They asked about the famous quote the unexamined life is not worth the living.  We had to describe what it meant to us (I described it in one of my previous blogs).  The other essay was about the parts to the death of Socrates.  I found his trial very interesting, so that question was easy to answer for me.  After that there was a bonus question about what the mountain is called that was ...

Human Geo

Today in class we went over everything we needed to know for the test tomorrow.  You would tell us to ask questions that we thought were going to be on the test, then we would answer them or choose someone else to answer them. We would ask questions like When was the essay A message to Garcia published?  It was published in March 1899. How many copies were sold?  40 million copies. How many languages were they sold in? 37 languages. What was the setting? Spanish American war fought in Cuba. Then we did vocabulary. Perihelion~. when something is at its brightest like when mars is closest to sun. Slipshod ~. carless and stupidity. Stenographer~. A person who takes dictation in shorthand. Then we went over Ancient Greece. Ancient Greece had a word for excellent it was Areté. Areté ~the act of living up to ones full abilities and potentials available to humans. Then we went over Socrates. Agora~A popular political/athletic/spiritual/market.  You would get t...

Human Geo (Socrates)

Yesterday in class we went over Socrates and some of his famous quotes. First thing we went over was the saying "You Idiot".  This saying in Ancient Greece meant  someone who was self centered and opposed to the public.  Idiots were born but they were educated into Citizens.  Idiots were considered dishonorable.   The next saying from Socrates was that the unexamined life is not worth the living.  He is saying what is the point of living if you don't think about how things work and how to help.  For example when the hurricane hit Texas some people did not care and say it is not there problem because they don't live there.  But the people who examined life will try to find ways to help them, how to prevent it from happening again, and how to get the state back to normal.  I would like to be the person who examines life, wants to help people, and wants to figure out how things work.  Socrates was a very educated person and stood up for...

Human Geography

Today in class we went over vocabulary, things we needed to know about Ancient Greece, and Socrates. Vocabulary: Agora~ A popular political, spiritual, and athletic assembly or market. Polis~ An Ancient Greek city-state.  Political entities ruled by their body of citizens. The importance of the year 508 BC to the ancient Greeks was that it was the birth of democracy and first time in history recored that people had revolted against their rulers. Socrates was a classic Greek philosopher also one of the founders of western philosophy. Death of Socrates was on a day in 399 BC.  The philosopher stood before a jury of 500 of his fellow Athenians.  He was charged with corruption of Athens youth.  Also impiety (not believing in the Gods of the state).  He had to drink poison Hemlock.  230/500 voted him guilty. Socrates method was that he would ask series of questions to determine their beliefs and figuring out there knowledge with out stating his opi...

A Message To Garcia

A message to Garcia was published as an inspirational essay in March 1899.  After that they made it into a pamphlet that sold over 40 million copies in 37 languages.  It also had two movies made about it.  It was so popular that people would use it as a slang (still used in the military).  Garcia was a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence.  Also Rowan was an army officer (West Point, class of 1881).  Last but not least was McKinley.  He was the president, but he got assassinated 6 months into his second term by anarchists.  He was so important they named the tallest mountain in North America but switched it back to its old name in 2015.  The setting of the story took place during the Spanish American war, fought in Cuba.   A message to Garcia had a lot of odd vocabulary in it.  Some odd vocabulary was Perihelion~ The point when a planet (like mars) is closest to the sun, and therefore is at its brightest. Slipshed~ Careless,...

My Message To Garcia

I think the short essay,  A Message To Garcia  is very true.  Lots of people don't work as hard as they should.  People should always want to succeed in life and want to be financially secure.  Some people don't want to work for success.  They want everything to come easy without putting in the effort.  Then you have the people who aren't afraid to work hard.  They want to do good in life and they don't want everything to come easy to them.  If everyone didn't do anything then the world would fall apart.  I agreed with the author, they tells us in the essay that we need the hard workers,  and that is true.  If everyone just sat around and was not productive, nothing would get done!  Lots of people don't want to work hard.  So when you have a person who comes to work on time, does everything they are supposed to do,  and more, employers will always want to hire that person.  But then you have the pe...