Human Geo

Today in class the first thing we talked about were the maps that we filled out last week.  We went over the answers.  Then you tried to give us hints that we were having a pop quiz on it.   After that we talked about North Korea and the bombs they threatened to use on people.  We talked about the options we had to deal with the situation.  People asked questions if you thought this could lead to world war 4 (if you count the Cold War which I do).  You told us that if we would have asked you this 5 years ago you would of said no but you said now you think it might.  That is pretty scary to think about countries dropping atomic bombs on each other.  The earth would get ruined and not be sustainable for life which is also scary to think about.  Then we talked about the football players that kneaded during the national anthem.  You said that we fight for the Constitution not the anthem or the flag.  I personally think that it is out of respect that you stand up and be proud of your country and sing the anthem.  I also think the the anthem and flag represent all the people who died or fought for the country and to not stand up is disrespectful and rude to all of them.  They fought for everyone so we can have freedom and happiness and we should respected that no matter what.  I also realize that there is not a rule for standing up for the anthem to sing but that does not mean you should take advantage of it.  I also do not understand what made all of them do that?   If it was because of our President Trump I think they should realize he is are President and there is nothing they can do about it.


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