Human Geo

Today in class you were sick so you told us to read the book and take notes because you did not want to talk.
During Dorian period, Greeks civilization exerienced.
Dorians/ Mycenaeans identified less with culture of ancestors and more local area.   Method government area changed from tribe/clan to formal governments.  Polis made up f city and surrounding country side.  City-states control 50-500 square meters.
At the agora, or market place, or a fortified hilltop called acropolis , citizens gathered to discuss city government.  single person called a king ruled in government called monarchy.  Aristocracy government ruled by a small group of nobles land owning families.  They formed oligarchy, government.  ruled by res powerful people.  Powerful individual (nobles and wealthy citizens) seized control of government appealing to common people.  Athenians reformed moved toward democracy.  Athenians education- sons of heathy families received education.  Girls did not attend school but they were taught by mothers and females in the house.
Sparta gov.
several branches and council of elders made up of 30 older civilization.
Spartan daily life-
most powerful
Girls were in Army, ran, wrestled, and played sports.
Told to remain out of sight and raise children.
Persian war-
Greeks were out numbered bur still won and lost 200 people.
Was e golden age.


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