
Showing posts from April, 2018

Western Civ

Today in class we had 2 people taking the test we had last Friday so we read 3 sections of the book and took notes on them. The Fall Of Roman Empire- Economy suffered with inflation. A drastic drop in the value of money coupled with the raise in prices. Mercenaries-Foregin soldiers who fought for money. Diocletian- A strong- willed army leader. Constantinople- The cities new name. Attilla- A power full chieftain name. Greco- Roman culture- The mixing of elements of Greek, Hellenistic and Roman culture produced a new culture. Pompeii- The best example of Romans paintings are found in this roman town. As early as the second century B.C. Virgil- A poet. Tracitus*- Another Roman historian. Aqueducts- Designed by Roman engineers to bring in water in to the cities and towns.

Western Civ

Today in class we took a test on all the things we learned about in Rome. It was also open blog.  I didn't use it a lot tho because I already knew most of the answers.  The only thing I had trouble on was the government.  I had the most trouble was how many senators and house of representatives.  The answers were  Senate - 300 people - aristocrats - members for life Assemblies (either Centuriate or Tribal) 193 members (later 373) - members for life. Also for the USA it was... senate - 100 senators (two from each state) - six-year terms House of Representatives - 435 members (55 from Cali; MD has 8; AK, DE, MT, ND, SD, VT, WY have 1) - two-year terms.

Western Civ

Today in class we did review questions for the test tomorrow.  Some the questions were... Who first settled Rome? Latinos What does res publica mean? The peoples affairs. You have to know the emperors and personalities. Tiberius- He didn't want to rule but he was forced to.  Then he moved to an island when his son died and left staff in charge till he died. Caligula- Assassinated during power.  He killed people in weird ways and was preverted. Claudius-  His wife killed him so her son could go into power. Had an disorder cerebral palsy, build well.  killed from poisoning. Nero- Emphasized  art, overspent,after fire he didn't care for the people just wanted to make Rome grand. Know the 2 foundation myths story of Remus and Romulus/ Virgil's Aeneid What hill did they build Rome on? Palatine. Who was the first emperor? Octavian (caesar Augusts) What are the Laws called In Rome? The 12 tables. Where were the laws Posted? In the public. what does SP...

Western civ

Today in class We Took Notes. Some accomplishments -Expanded Roman Empire further into Africa. -he set uncivil service to run the government/ empire. -Family died of natural causes. -Building a network of roads. -collecting taxes. -establishing a postal service. -administering the gran supply. -building -setting up police and fire departments. Begins the age of empires -After octavia's death, power was passed down emperors to emperors. -some were good, bad, or insane. Tiberius -ruled from AD 14 to AD 37. -An excellent general, but a reactant emperor. -death of his own son, exiled himself from Rome left prefects in charge. -died at 77 Next was Caligula then Claudius and last one was Nero.

Western Civ

Caesar seizing power  -Servers as consul (one year). -Appoints himself governor go Gaul. -Pompey is jealous, becomes his rival.    ~caesars army clash with pompey's in Greece, Asia, and Egypt. -In 44BC he is named dictator first for 6 months and then forever. Caesars reforms -Grants citizenship to people in provinces. -Expanded the senate, adding his friends. -Created more jobs. Public work projects -increased pay for soldiers. -Started colonies for those with out land could own property. Assassination -Why? the senators saw caesar rise in power as a huge threat to their political viability. -How?They lured him into the senate, stabbing him 23 times (said all were involved). -Senators were not punished. -Octavian was named Julius caesars replacement. -basically end of republic. After math of the murder -Julius Caesar grand nephew and adopted son Octavian takes over at the age of 18.   ~Mark Antony is an experienced general.   ~Lepidis is po...

western civ

5,000 soldiers, not in for pay The romans army was an elite heavy infantry Recruited exclusively from the romans citizens Group of eighty a century On horseback is the cavalry Shields,sword,dragged, and arnor and tunic The Punic wars (264-145 BCE) Rome vs. Carthage 3 wars Naval battles for control of the start egically located island of Sicily. Rome wins this one 29 year old Carthaginian general hamibal almost does the impossible taking Rome Attacks from the north by crossing ideria Lays siege to much of the peninsula for 15 years but never can get to rome Rome finally wanted to remove threat do they destroy it y burning it for 17 days war ended 50,000 people in the city sold into slavery including Greeks and Pows.

Western civ

5,000 soldiers, not in for pay The romans army was an elite heavy infantry Recruited exclusively from the romans citizens Group of eighty a century On horseback is the cavalry Shields,sword,dragged, and arnor and tunic The Punic wars (264-145 BCE) Rome vs. Carthage 3 wars Naval battles for control of the start egically located island of Sicily. Rome wins this one 29 year old Carthaginian general hamibal almost does the impossible taking Rome Attacks from the north by crossing ideria Lays siege to much of the peninsula for 15 years but never can get to rome Rome finally wanted to remove threat do they destroy it y burning it for 17 days war ended 50,000 people in the city sold into slavery including Greeks and Pows.

Western Civ

Today in class we went over the power point. res publica- The peoples affairs* Brand new republic -Democracy -Aristocracy  -plus monarchy - not tyranny Gov. ancient Roman/USA -originally, the us modeled their new government.  On the modeled by the ancient Romans. -Both have 3 branches of government. -executive - legislative - judicial. -both have legal codes. SPQR- Had two consul. - one year terms. - each has veto power. -controls the military. - could a point a sector. - In a crisis 6 month terms. USA Executive- president plus vp. - four year terms. - Can veto proposed laws. - Commander-in-cheif of the military. legislative (Romans)- Senate-300 people aristocrats. - members for life. - Assemblies 143 members. - members for life. Legislative (USA)- senetors 6 years terms. - House of representatives. - 435 members. - two year terms. Judicial (Romans)- Praetor. -chosen  assembly. - one year terms. Judicial (USA)- Supreme Court. - Nine members. - Life time terms. ...

Western Civ

Today in class we went over the power point and read the book while taking notes. The people were shocked at the families bad behavior.  Never wanted to be ruled by kings again.  Rule were replaced by by 2 conus. -Elected officials. -1 year I office. -Always aristocrats. -Had famous ancestors. -duties: dealing with justice, making laws, commanding the army, one consul could veto the other. -fifth century B.C.E. -particiono dominance the goverment was challenged by the plebs. -plebs were 98% of the population. -served in the army, could not hold office. -threatened with debt slavery. -Plebs were victims of discrimination. - Rome had no actual laws, unwritten customs. - patricians could interpret these to their own. -plebs refused to serve in the army until laws were passed. -the laws of 12 tables. - laws posted in public. - Tribunes were elected. -SPQR

Western Civ

Today in class we went over the slide show and took notes. Who settled Rome? Etruscans - Came from north. - central part of peninsula. -Metalworkers, artists, and architects. Two foundation myth: -Virgil's Aeneid (where Aeneas escapes from troy- sound familiar?) -The story of remus and Romulus. Greeks -They had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea. Such as: -Religious beliefs. -Alphabet. -Much of their art. - Military techniques and weaponry. Latin -Descendents of India. -Europeans. -Settled on the bank of tiber. - Situated so trying ships. - But not war fleet. - Could navigate as far as Rome. But not further. -A commercial port, but not susceptible to attention. -And... Built on 7 hills (esp. Palatine) They drained a swamp -Many flowered into the Tiber. -there was a marshy area called the Farum between palatine and Capitoline Hills. -Tarquin the Prad's grandfathers built the cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain). Which channeled water into the Tib...

Western civ

Today in class we just went over the test and reading and took notes. City ofRome was founded in 753 B.C. by Romulus and Remus, twin sons of the God More and latin princess. Romes Geography- Built on 7 rolling hills at a curve on the tiber river, near the center of the Italian Peninsula.  Rome also was near the midpoint of Mediterranean Sea. Earliest settlers on Italian peninsula arrived in prehistoric times.  From 1000 to 500 B.C.  The three groups that battled for control were Latin, Greeks, and Etruscans. Latins built original settlements at Rome on top 7 hills, First Romans. Kings of Rome- 600 B.C. Etruscan became king of Rome Last king of Rome Was Tarquin the proud driven from power in 509 B.C. Republic- Form of government power was in the Society. Patricians- Wealthy landowners who held most power. Plebeians- Common Farmers, Artisans, and merchants. Tribunes- Plebeians dorm own assembly and elect Representatives called Tribunes, 541 B.C., ...