Western Civ

Today in class we did review questions for the test tomorrow.  Some the questions were...
Who first settled Rome? Latinos
What does res publica mean? The peoples affairs.
You have to know the emperors and personalities.
Tiberius- He didn't want to rule but he was forced to.  Then he moved to an island when his son died and left staff in charge till he died.
Caligula- Assassinated during power.  He killed people in weird ways and was preverted.
Claudius-  His wife killed him so her son could go into power. Had an disorder cerebral palsy, build well.  killed from poisoning.
Nero- Emphasized  art, overspent,after fire he didn't care for the people just wanted to make Rome grand.
Know the 2 foundation myths story of Remus and Romulus/ Virgil's Aeneid
What hill did they build Rome on? Palatine.
Who was the first emperor? Octavian (caesar Augusts)
What are the Laws called In Rome? The 12 tables.
Where were the laws Posted? In the public.
what does SPQR- Senatus Populesque Romanun.
What was republic made from?  Democracy, Aristocracy, plus monarchy, but not tyranny.
Rome had 12 tables USA has Bill Of Rights.
Roman Legion- 500 soldiers, horseback, and weapons.
Know Punic wars...
Frist punic war- Fought on the sea.
Second Punic war- Came from the North.
Third punic war- Completely destroyed Carthage. burned for 17 days, if not killed you were put into slavery.
Patricians= Father
Big farms became massive estates called latifundia.
Bread and water circuses- Keep them distracted so they don't get made at the government.
Julius Caesar- Goal huge land owner, one of the richest, supported from army, best general army
Julius caesar, Pompey, and carssus.
Caesar Augustas (Octavian) , Mark Anthony, and Lepidus.
Mark Anthony was partners with cleopatra from Egypt but lost when the fought against Octavian.
Caesar Augustas was also called exalted one, He ruled up to 40 years.
Put Roman- Peace for 207 years.


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