Western Civ

Caesar seizing power 
-Servers as consul (one year).
-Appoints himself governor go Gaul.
-Pompey is jealous, becomes his rival.
   ~caesars army clash with pompey's in Greece, Asia, and Egypt.
-In 44BC he is named dictator first for 6 months and then forever.
Caesars reforms
-Grants citizenship to people in provinces.
-Expanded the senate, adding his friends.
-Created more jobs.
Public work projects
-increased pay for soldiers.
-Started colonies for those with out land could own property.
-Why? the senators saw caesar rise in power as a huge threat to their political viability.
-How?They lured him into the senate, stabbing him 23 times (said all were involved).
-Senators were not punished.
-Octavian was named Julius caesars replacement.
-basically end of republic.
After math of the murder
-Julius Caesar grand nephew and adopted son Octavian takes over at the age of 18.
  ~Mark Antony is an experienced general.
  ~Lepidis is power fun position.
-This is the second triumvirate.
The doomed alliance
-Octavian forces the weak Lepidus to retire.
-He and mark became rivals.
-Mark partners up with Cleopatra of Egypt.
-Octavian defeats them at the battle of action.
Octavian on his own
-heis now unchallenged  ruler of Rome.
-Given the name honorific "Augustus" ("exalted one").
-Now its an empire , not a republic.


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