Western civ

Today in class we just went over the test and reading and took notes.
City ofRome was founded in 753 B.C. by Romulus and Remus, twin sons of the God More and latin princess.
Romes Geography-
Built on 7 rolling hills at a curve on the tiber river, near the center of the Italian Peninsula.  Rome also was near the midpoint of Mediterranean Sea.
Earliest settlers on Italian peninsula arrived in prehistoric times.  From 1000 to 500 B.C. 
The three groups that battled for control were Latin, Greeks, and Etruscans.
Latins built original settlements at Rome on top 7 hills, First Romans.
Kings of Rome-
600 B.C. Etruscan became king of Rome
Last king of Rome Was Tarquin the proud driven from power in 509 B.C.

Republic- Form of government power was in the Society.
Patricians- Wealthy landowners who held most power.
Plebeians- Common Farmers, Artisans, and merchants.
Tribunes- Plebeians dorm own assembly and elect Representatives called Tribunes, 541 B.C., a group of officials writing down Rome's laws.


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