Western Civ

Today we took notes on Alexander the great from the book.
Kingdom of Macedonia-North of Greece/ Rough terrain and cold climax.
Hardy People who lived in mountains.
Thought of the selfs as greeks.
Really didn't have that much in common except screwed and fretless kings.
Philips army- Philip 2 became king of Macedonia and age 23.
Brilliant general and ruthless position. 
Phalanxes- 16 men and 16 deep red with 18 foot pike.
Conquest of Greece. 338 B.C., Athens and Thebes joined forces to fight Philip. Lost at Chaerona*.  Philip was stabbed to death at his daughters wedding in 336 B.C
Alexander became leader at the age of 20.  Learned a lot.  Likes homers story about the Trojan war.  Also slept with Iliad under his bed.
334 B.C. he lead 35,000 soldiers across hellespet* into Anatolia.  Vowed to crush invaders raised his army 50,000 and 75,00 men to face Macedonia.
Conquering the Persian empire 
Danusis* trail lead Alexander to a deserted spot where he was already dead (Caspian Sea).
Next 3 years kept going forward fight hoping to reach the end of the continent.
Alexander in India
326 B.C., fought for 11 years and marched 11,000 miles. Then they turned back around.
Alexander died in Macedonian.


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