Human Geo

Today in class we did not take a lot of notes.  All we did was talk about the Christmas tree, cup, and box of the population pyramids.  First you showed us about a couple countries of your choice and you would tell us why they looked like that and the types of things there.  Like if there was a lot of 20-25 year olds it was usually because there was a college place there or good jobs.  Sometimes there would be a bunch of old people because it was a nice place to go to relax and retire.  Also there was sometimes when there were a bunch of young people being born and barley anyone else and that was because in some of the country they were developing and most of the people don't live that long or the new borns pass away because the heath care is not go.  After that you would gives us the Christmas tree, box, or cup and we had to come up with the country that we think was like that.


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