Human Geo

   - Close rank, dense grouping of warrior.
   - Armed with long spears and interlocking shields
   - Soldiers would advance slowly toward enemy, until broke their rank.
Persian empire vs Greece
      Greece is little and Persian empire is huge(should not take long)

Greece                                                                           Persian 

-Iron weapons.                                                                              -First archers.
-Foot soldiers.                                                                               -Then calvary.
-Armed spears, swords, and shields.                                            -Professional army.                             
-Phalanx formation.                                                                      -Then lightly armed infancy.
-"home Feild" advantage.                                                             -Huge numbers
-Motivated/preserved democracy.                                                -Long way from home.

      546 BC- Persian conquered Greece in Lonia.
      499-494 BC- Ionian revolt (Athens help).
      Darius the great defeat and vowed revenge on Athens.       
      490 BC- Persian fleet attacks marathon and losses.
      480 BC- xeres (D's son) conducts massive assault on Athens. 
      480 BC- Greeks abandoned Athens to fight Persians  a\son winning.
      Victorious Greeks from delian league.  


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