
Showing posts from March, 2018

Western civ

Today we had a test.  I think I did ok.  I just hope I got a 90% or above because my dad got mad that I got a 90% on my last test because it was on ancient Greece and he talks about it all the time and he wanted me to get 100%.  I feel like we never went over the old thing.  I total forgot about most of that stuff and I focused more on the things that we just learned.  Also something we didn't even go over.  Like the ancient spartan women and thing they did.  we never went over it.  I just am worried about my grade because I studied all the thing we just learned thinking it would be most of the test even though it was really just 5 questions on the test.  I feel like most of the class probably thinks the same thing as me.  We just got to look at our test and turns out I got a 73%.  Thats okay but my dad is probably gonna still be mad at me.

Western Civ

Today in class we went over the other notes that we have to now for the test tomorrow. Hellenistic Culture Hellenistic culture in Alexandria: Hellenistic culture: blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian culture. trade plus culturally diverse: Alexander became a foremost center of commerce/ culture/ civilization. Alexander's Attractions: Alexander's coffin. Pharos(light house) Library which had 500,000 papyrus scrolls. Science and Technology: Astronomy Aristarchus- found out that the sun is at least 300x bigger than the earth, earth and other planets revolved around the sun. Ptolemy- Disagreed with Aristarchus saw that the earth is center of the universe, this is taught for the next 14 centuries. Eratosthenes- estimated the real size of earth, Say the earth is round. Mathematics and physics Euclid- Worte the book of Geometry (elements) Archimedes- estimated value of pi, explained the lever.  The archimade screw.  It could raise water from the ground. phi...

Western Civ

Today in western civ we went over what is gonna be on the test. We have to know the people Alexander the great, Philip the second, and Darius the 3rd. Macedonia believed in Greek Gods, Spoke greek, and was a kingdom near Greece, Philip the second took over Greece, the kingdom of Macedonia, and also Persia. Philip builds Macedonia power Philip is alexanders dad and king of Macedonia. King od macedonia who invaded Greece and won. He was going to conquer Persia but then was murdered. Alexander names himself king at 20 years old. Alexander defeats persi (Darius the second) When young he was tutored by Aristotle, and replied on Iliad. Alexander vs. Darius  Alexander is out numbered by Darius army and still won. Crowned Pharaoh in 332 B.C., He told them he was a God. Alexander Army moved east to Mesopotamia, Darius Army outnumbered them again but Alexander still won.  Battle of Gaugameia.  Alexander used Phalanx , and won again. Alexander counties east to P...

Western Civ

I was not here today.

Western Civ

Today in class we had a different schedule because we went to see the play for 20 mins.  After that we came to class and we started with the last to presentation. The first one was Dylan by himself.  I thought he did really good and he was able to explain everything he had.  The only thing I didn't like is that his presentation was really short.  He talked about the democracy in Ancient Greece. Turns out USA is rated number 21 for democracy.  After that we had a group of guys that went up I don't remember everyone in the group.  They did pretty good but they only read off he screen and didn't Really explain anything.  they talked about the the boat that they had in ancient Greece.

Western Civ

Today in class we went over the other projects.  We still have 2 more projects to do after this.  We heard about greek civilization and the pottery making in Ancient Greece.  Both were really good and interesting.  I gave the first project a 95%. But I can't remember what I took points off of.  I was probably knowledge on the subject and creativity I don't really remember tho.  The second project we had I gave them all a 100% because they all knew everything about it and since they only had a little time to make it I think they did and amazing job.  The only thing I would take points off of is because it was really long at the end when they went over the Gods and Goddess because people started to loose interest.

Western civ

Today in class we started on our projects.  My group went first since we did food.   We did pitabread spinish pie and baklava.  Friday we made the baklava and the pita bread because they were able to stay in the fridge for three days and not go bad.  Sunday I made the spinish pie they were not that hard to make.  It only takes me an hour to make like 50 or more.  When we got to school we had class last so I went in and started to heat up all the food.  We had a slide show but i didn’t really use it I just went off of memory and explain how you can make them.  By the end of clas all the food was gone because the class ate it all.  I had a great time doing this project and it was probably one of my favorite projects I have ever done.

Western civ

Today in class we started to talk about how the power went.  Most peoples power is still out but I still dint have power and it really sucks.  I went to my grandmas house because I had soccer all weekend and I needed to take a shower and things but my family ended up stay there.  I had to sleep on the coach and it was very comfy.  I t was really nice because my Grandmom lives like 15 mins away and it is so nice to be able to wake up late.  We didn't do a lot in class today.  We just talk about our projects.  My group just got all the recipes ready.  I am gonna make my spinach pies Sunday so they are still fresh.  W are gonna make the rest of the things Thursday because they can be refrigerated.

Western Civ

Today we took notes on Alexander the great from the book. Kingdom of Macedonia-North of Greece/ Rough terrain and cold climax. Hardy People who lived in mountains. Thought of the selfs as greeks. Really didn't have that much in common except screwed and fretless kings. Philips army- Philip 2 became king of Macedonia and age 23. Brilliant general and ruthless position.  Phalanxes- 16 men and 16 deep red with 18 foot pike. Conquest of Greece. 338 B.C., Athens and Thebes joined forces to fight Philip. Lost at Chaerona*.  Philip was stabbed to death at his daughters wedding in 336 B.C Alexander became leader at the age of 20.  Learned a lot.  Likes homers story about the Trojan war.  Also slept with Iliad under his bed. 334 B.C. he lead 35,000 soldiers across hellespet* into Anatolia.  Vowed to crush invaders raised his army 50,000 and 75,00 men to face Macedonia. Conquering the Persian empire  Danusis* trail lead Alexander to a dese...

Western Civ

Today in class we finish the crash cores but we did not take any notes on it.  After that we started on are project that is on Ancient Greece.  This was the begging of our project to start of food. Ancient Greeks ate a variety of foods. Their appetite consisted of olives, bread, fish, wheat, cheese (feta), and they even created spanakopita, a type of pie. They used goats for milk and chez. Chez was very big part of their diet. Greeks believe that Aristaios was sent by the gods to teach cheese making. Feta has been known since Homer’s time. Olives were not only a big part of their diet, but also a major trade item. Olives could be used to eat, to be put in dishes, and to be turned into oil (WHICH IS DELICIOUS).  Greeks’ food advancements still stick around today, and many people who are not Greek eat and enjoy the food and get a taste of the ancient times.