Wester Civ

Decline Of Roman Empire 
Christianity rises part 1
-Jesus spends 3 years preaching, is killed by Roman leaders.
-He is Messiah who rose from the dead.
-Saul went to Paul.
-Christianity evolves from cult to official structure.
-Preist, bishops, popes. (bishop of Rome.)
Christianity rises part 2 
-appeals to all.
-Conflicted with Roman belief.
-Roman leaders embraced Christianity.
Christianity rises part 3
-AD 313 Constantine has battlefield conversion.
-Issue addict of Milan.
-Approval of Christianity.
-Roman Empire and Christianity now linked in power.
Roman Empire declines part 1
-AD 180 Rome has a problem
-Economic (Taxes to high and Food supply to low.)
-Military (hard patrol, roman general, mercenaries appeared.)
Diocletian divide empire 
-Geek speaking east (resources rising.)
-Latin speaking west (Rome, tradition.)
Roman Empire decline part 2 
-AD 324 Constantine become emperor over both halves of the empire.
-Moved capital from Rome to Byzantium switched the name to Constantinople.
-After death empire divided agin.
-This time , "Barbarian invaders" overran.
-That's it is for Roman Empire (AD 476).


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