Western Civ

Today in class you were not here. You left us to take notes but we all finished it so we had nothing to do.  This is what we got notes on...
  • Marcus Aurelius (161 AD - 180 AD) - End of Pax Romana
    • Economy Weakens 
      • Tribes and Pirates disrupt trade, lack of new resources 
      • Inflation, Raise Taxes
      • Agriculture: Land is overused and destroyed by military; lead to famine and disease
    • Military Weakens 
      • Less loyalty to Rome not just in soldiers but citizens
  • Diocletian's Reforms (284 AD -  305 AD) 
    • Strong leader, Iron-fist, few personal freedoms 
      • Doubled army, made set price for goods
      • Claimed godly descent
      • Empire too large for one leader - split it and appointed co-ruler
      • Retired in 305 AD - 4 people fight for throne
  • Constantine Wins Fight For Throne 
    • Regains the east 
      • Renamed Constantinople
  • W/ Constantine Dead, The Empire Splits 
    • Abt. 370 AD, Mongols (Huns) attack 
      • Other Germanic Tribes move onto Roman land
    • 410 AD - Germans overrun Rome for 3 days 
      • Huns keep attacking (Attila)
  • Last Emperor (Romulus Augustulus - 14y/o) ousted in 476 AD 
    • Byzantine Empire remains until 1453 when it fell to the Ottoman Turks


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