Western civ

Today in class we answered question for the next unit and then we would get asked a random question and If you got it right the grade would go into are grade.

  1. lord - in federal Europe, a person who controlled land and could therefore grant estates to vassals.
  2. fief- what you call a lord, or landowner,  that granted land.
  3. vassal- The person receiving a fid is called that.
  4. knight- Were mounted horseman who pledgees to defend their lords land in exchange for fiefs.
  5. Serf- people who could not lawfully leave the place they were born.
  6. manor- the lords estate.
  7. Tithe- A family payment of one-tenth of its increase to a church.
Muslim, magyar, huns, avars, vikings.

All peasants, wether free or serf, owed the lord certain duties. these included at least a few days of labor each week and a certain portions of grain.

king--.> noble--->knight


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