Western Civ

Today in class we took notes.
"blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth".
-Both jews and christians were monotheistic.
-refused to worship Roman Gods.
-Pax Romana easy to travel.
-poor, desperate Romans were respected audience.
"Problem" with monotheism
-Jesus and christians killed by romans
-exiled , ins prison, excused, crucified, burned, or killed.
-they were scapegoats when Roman Empire went down.
The appeal of Christianity
grew because...

  • embraced all people.
  • men and women.
  • enslaved people.
  • the poor (and noble).
  • gate hope and power
  • appealed those who were disgusted by imperial Romans became 
  • offered personal relationship with loving god
  • promise external life after death. 


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