Western civ

Today in class we took notes.
Conversion of Constantine (AD 312).
- Roman emperor Constantine has a vision before battle at Milvian bridge.
-Sees an image in the sky of a cross and words in this sign, conquer.
-Orders troops to put a cross on shields(win).
-Edict of Milan in AD 313.
- Christianity becomes a religion which is recognized.
continues to gain power.
-By 380, become official religion.
Decline Of Roman Empire
-While Christianity strengthened, Rome weakened.
-Military- to weak to defend huge areas.
-Economy- taxes too high; widening gap between rich and poor; trade disrupted.
-Social- who cares about public affairs; disloyalty; population decrease.
-Political-Divison of emperor.
-Last roman emperor was on 476.
-14 years old boy named Romulus Augustulus.


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